Устных тем по английскому языку. Материал по английскому языку на тему: Устные темы по английскому языку



The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world . Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia . Its total aria is about 17 mln square kilometers. The country is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans .The Arctic Ocean washes Russia in the north. The Pacific Ocean washes Russia in the east. Russia is washed by the Black Sea in the south and by the Baltic Sea in he west. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine .

The climate is different in different parts of the country. It is arctic in the north and subtropical in the south of the country.

There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Altai, the Caucasus and others. The largest mountain chain is the Urals . It separates Europe from Asia.

There are many rivers in Russia. The longest rivers are The Volga, the Ob, the Amur and others.

Russia is rich in oil, coal, natural gas, copper, gold and other mineral resources.

The population of Russia is about 150 mln people. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial center.

Russia is a parliamentary republic . The Head of State is the President. The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma.



Moscow is the capital of Russia . It is its political, economic , commercial and cultural center.

Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world. It is situated on seven hills. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers . The population of the city is over 8 mln people.

Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are a lot of beautiful palaces, churches , cathedrals , museums and monuments in the city. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The main Kremlin Tower, the Spaskaya Tower, has become the symbol of Russia. There are great old cathedrals and historical monuments on the territory of the Kremlin.

Thee are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretiakov Gallery.

Moscow is famous for its theatres . The Bolshoi theatre is one of the best theatres in the world. Tourists from many countries visit our capital every year.

Moscow is the centre of the political life of Russia. It is the seat of the Russian Parliament. People of our country are proud of Moscow.


The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the British Kingdom. It is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large Islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the west.

The UK is formed of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The capital of the UK is London.

The surface of the country varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain. Mountains are not very high. The center, south-east and east of England are a vast plain. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The largest of them are the Severn, the Clyde, and the Thames. The Thames is the deepest river. London stands on the Thames. The climate of Great Britain is mild.

The population of the UK is over 57 mln people.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It produces electronics, machinery, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment.

The UK is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen is the Head of the State, but she has no power. The real power belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain. They are the Labour, The Conservative and the Liberal parties.

London is the capital of the country, its political, economic and commercial center. London is the largest city in Europe and one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. There are many interesting places in London, for example, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and so on.

The UK gave birth to many famous scientists, writers, statesmen, musicians.



The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of North America .Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Its eastern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The USA boarders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. The climate of the country varies greatly from arctic to subtropical.

The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia. Each state has its own government.

The capital of the country is Washington D.C. The population of the USA is about 250 mln people. The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington and others. The USA is one of the greatest industrial nations in the world. It is one of the most powerful and highly developed countries in the world.

There are two main political parties in the country , the Republicans and the Democratic. The Head oh the country is the President.

The USA is rich in coal, iron and oil. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are the Mississippi , the Missouri, the Colorado. The main lakes are the Great Lakes in the north.

The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains.



I live in V-Chebula. It is situated in the north of Kuzbass. It was founded in the 19 th century. Now it is the administrative center of the district. About 6000 people live here.

Chebula is situated on the river Chebulinka, which is not large , and runs into the river Kiya. The countryside around the river is very beautiful. In summer you can enjoy green forests, fields and meadows.

The village is not big, but the central street is about 4 km long. There are offices, a bank, a post-office, a club, a church, a museum, many shops in the center .in the square you can see a monument to Russian soldiers. It is a place where meetings are held.

There are two schools in Chebula. Our school has new computer classes, physical and chemical laboratories, a gymnasium. When students finish the school, they become doctors, teachers, lawyers, economists and so on. We like our school.


I live in an industrial region called Kuzbass. It is situated in the Western Siberia. Kuzbass is called a coal region because it is rich in coal and there are many coal- mines there. Kuzbass is a region with highly developed industry. The main industrial cities are: Kemerovo, Novokusnetsk, Prokopievsk and others.

Kemerovo is the capital of our region. It is a large modern city. About 500000 people live there. There are a lot of factories, schools, banks, offices, colleges and cafes in Kemerovo. The most interesting sights of the city are the theatre, circus, beautiful parks and monuments. A new bridge was built across the river Tom some months ago.

There are many other towns and villages in our region too.

Kuzbass is rich in forests, rivers and lakes . There are some high mountains in the south. The climate of the region is rather severe: it is very cold in winter, summers are not very hot. It often rains in autumn. I think our region is very beautiful. The head of Kuzbass is A.G.Tuleev.


About myself and my family.

Let me introduce myself. I am A.T. I am sixteen years old. I was born on the 10 th of April in 1997 in V-Chebula.

I am a pupil. I am in the 11 th form. I ‘d like to be a teacher. I am good at History and Literature. They are my favourite subjects.

I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is (not) large. There are five of us: my mother, my father, my brother , my sister and me.

First of all some words about my parents. My father is 38 years old. He is the eldest in the family. His name is D. He is an officer. He is very experienced, he likes his job very much. My father is a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. He is fond of fishing and swimming. We often go on picnics together.

My mother’s name is N. She is 37 but she looks much younger. She is slim. My mother has big blue eyes and fair hair. She is a very pretty woman. She is a nurse and she works in a hospital. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking. We try to help he about the house.

I have got a brother and a sister. They are younger than me. My brother Anton. is 10 and my sister Marina is only 4. My brother is a schoolboy. He is in the 4 th form . He if fond of drawing and computer.

My younger sister is very funny . I like to play with her. But sometimes she is a bit naughty.

My grandparents are pensioners. They don’t live with us but they often come to see us. My grandmother likes gardening. She grows vegetables and flowers.

I think our family is very friendly. We always help each other and often spend free time together. I love my family very much.


My plans for the future.

It is very difficult to choose a career or a future profession.

In the 11 th form students take exams and get the certificate of secondary education. After that they can enter universities, military schools, colleges or academies.

To get a professional education, students have to enter a technical college or a vocational school.

It is not easy to make the right choice. There are many useful and interesting professions nowadays. The most popular of them are economist, lawyer, and programmer. Many boys are interested in a military career; girls wish to be a model or an actress.

When choosing a future career we should consider different factors. I think money and job satisfaction are the most important. Besides a profession should suit your interests.

As for me I am interested in History and I want to be a teacher. I think it is an interesting and useful profession. I know that it is very difficult to become a good teacher . A teacher has to know much and understand the pupils.

After the 11 th grade I ‘ll try to enter the University. I want to be a qualified teacher. To enter the University I should study hard .


A healthy life style.

There is nothing more important than health. So if we want to feel well we should think of our health much. There are certain laws of keeping fit.

Fresh air is very important for good health. And we should spend a lot of time in the fresh air. If we want to keep fit we should take regular exercises , go in for sports, eat only healthy food. Never smoke is the main rule. It is also very important to get up early and to go to bed early.

But some people don’t think about their health very much. They are not active physically, sleep too much or too little , eat a lot of high fat food. The worst habits some people have are smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. All these things destroy their health.

As for me I always take care of my health. I don’t have bad habits. I get up early and do morning exercises. I clean my teeth twice a day. Every day I sweep up the room .

Paying attention to health I have to go in for sport. I also keep to diet and eat high fibre food. In summer I spend much time in the fresh air.


Learning a foreign language.

It is necessary to learn foreign languages.

If you know foreign languages, you can visit other countries, you can read foreign books in the original, you can understand other people.

I learn English.

I know that English is a world language. There are 400 million speakers of English.

It is the most widespread language geographically. English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.

English is the working language of the United Nations. It is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots, politicians, sportsmen, scientists and students.

Many people learn English.

They want to speak, read and understand English.

I like English. I work hard at my English. I want to know it perfectly. I think, the best way to know a foreign language is to go to an English speaking country, to speak it as much as possible.


Sport in the life of people.

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and the old people.

Many people go in for sport , they do morning exercises, train in clubs, take part in sports competitions. Many people in our country watch sports games, listen to sports news.

Physical training is an important subject at school. We play volleyball and basketball at the lessons, a lot of different competitions are held. Sport helps people to keep in good health.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating.

My favourite sport is skiing. I always ski in winter. My friend plays basketball, and takes part in competitions . she is a very good basketball player

I think when people go in for sport they become strong, brave and healthy.

Sports in Britain.

The British are great sports lovers , so when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country.

Football or soccer is also very popular. There are a lot of professional and amateur clubs in Britain . International football matches take place at Wembley.

A great number of people play and watch tennis, they also play golf, rugby football, baseball, hockey. Running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular.

Britain is also famous for horse –racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing , etc.

Indeed, sport is an essential part of daily life in Britain.


The most important Russian invention.

The first artificial sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The Russians are proud of it. Some years later the most remarkable event in the history of cosmonautics took place. On April 12, 1961 the spaceship “Vostok” , piloted by Yuri Gagarin went up.

He was the first man who made his historic flight into space. He orbited the earth for only 108 minutes, but he was the first to fly to stars. It was the greatest achievement of our country. A new age of space exploration began.



There are following public holidays in Great Britain: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Easter, Good Friday, Spring Bank Holidays , and Summer Bank Holidays . All banks , offices and shops are closed on public holidays.

Christmas is celebrated on December 25 th . It is the most colorful holiday of the year. Christmas is a family holiday. Everyone gives and receives presents. Traditional Christmas meal is a turkey.

In England New Year is not so popular as Christmas. Usually it is a family party. There is a lot of dancing, drinking, eating cold meat, pies, sandwiches, and cakes .some people send the New Year’s cards and give presents, but it is not a custom.

Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great Britain, for example, Halloween, St’ Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and others.

Russian people are very hospitable and they love holidays very much. Any holiday is celebrated with lots of food and presents . The state holidays in the country are New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, Victory Day and others.

New Year’s Day is, probably, the main holiday in our country. The New Year ‘s Day is my favourite holiday.

№ 13

TV in our life

Television plays an important role in our life . It keeps us informed about the world we live in. And of course , it helps to escape from everyday problems. Everybody can switch on a TV set and choose the programme he likes best.

Russian television has over 10 channels which show all kinds of programmes . The main channels on Russian television are ORT, RTR and NTV. They offer TV viewers a variety of programmes, such as political, educational, entertaining and others. Such programmes as Time, talk shows, news , documentaries, feature films, concerts and others attract many people.

Of course, not everything shown on TV is made in good taste They say, the quality of television could be better. . Some programmes contain bad language and violence.

Not all people like watching commercials. On the other hand , TV helps us to relax.

As for me, I watch TV 2 hours a day. I prefer comedies and pop music concerts. I think, TV is very useful in our life. I think we get a lot of information from mass media, especially from television. We watch TV to be well-informed. I like to listen to the latest news, watch educational programmes and musical performances.


Famous people.

Great Britain gave birth to many world famous people: politicians, writers, musicians, actors.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth, II is one of the most famous people in the world. She was born on the 21 st of April, 1926. She spent her childhood in London and at the country residence of her grandparents. She received her early education at home, then she studied constitutional history and law. She also studied art and music and learned to ride. She began to take part in the public life at an early age .

In 1947 she married Lieutenant Phillip Mountbatten, now Prince Phillip. Their eldest son Prince Charles is the heir (наследник) to the throne . Their younger children are: Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.

Princess Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953 in Westminster Abbey. The London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace.

The British Royal Family takes an active part in the life of Britain.

His works are translated in many languages of the world.


The role of Mass Media in the life of people.

I think we get a lot of information from mass media, especially from television. We watch TV to be well-informed. . It keeps us informed about the world we live in. On the other hand , TV helps us to relax. It helps to escape from everyday problems. Everybody can switch on a TV set and choose the programme he likes best.

As for me, I like to listen to the latest news, watch educational programmes and musical performances. I think, TV is very useful in our life.

Newspapers and magazines play an important role in our life too. Every day millions newspapers and magazines are published all over the world. Newspapers are packed with the latest news, information, fashion and facts. They inform people of current events and shape public opinion. There are also articles on sport, art, music, new books. There are interviews with well-known people.

There are different national and local papers , dailies and weeklies. You can find newspapers for children and teenagers, for sports fans and so on. There are a lot of national daily and weekly newspapers in Russia. The most popular of them are Isvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Argumenty I Facty. People choose the newspaper they read according to their interests.

I prefer to read magazines. My favourite magazine is Lisa. It contains interesting articles about famous people. I like to read articles on art, music, fashion.

I think many people in the world enjoy reading newspapers and magazines.


Free time and hobbies.

Tastes differ . Different people like doing different things, different people have different hobbies. Hobbies make our life more interesting. People have different hobbies.

Many people go in for sports. It is their hobby. They go swimming, skating, skiing, train in clubs and different sections.

Garderning is one of the oldest hobbies . It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening or growing flowers , especially roses.

Playing computer games is a new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it. I think it is a very exiting hobby.

Some people like to draw, paint, design costumes, play different musical instruments.

Collecting things is one of the most popular hobbies . People usually collect stamps, coins, postcards, books.

I am sure that with a hobby our life becomes more and more popular.

I am sure that all young people like to dance. In their free time they go to the disco. Dancing is a way to spend an evening in America

Some people like to go to the theatre or to the cinema.

I know that teenagers like to play football in Great Britain. Football is the most popular game in Britain.

English boys and girls are fond of cricket. There are many cricket clubs in England. People always play cricket in summer.

Teenagers like to travel. They visit places of interest in Great Britain and abroad.

I have a hobby too. I am fond of / music, sport, books/

When I have a free time I like to watch TV or to read a favourite magazine.

My mother’s hobby is cooking. She cooks tasty dishes . My father is fond of fishing.



Secondary education in our country is compulsory and free. Boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 7. At first they attend primary school and study Russian, Maths, Reading, PT, Music. After four years of primary school pupils go on to secondary school, where they study Russian, Literature, Algebra, Chemistry and so on. The school year begins in September and ends in May.

After finishing the 9 th form students must take four exams. To enter a University they have to study for 2 more years.

Some students like school, others don’t. If we do well in most subjects school is an interesting place for us.

My school is not the best but I like it. There are about 500 students in it . We‘ve got a canteen, a library, computer rooms , laboratories. We have special clubs and activities after classes. We take part in concerts and competitions. I’ve got many friends at school . I do well in Physics and History.

I think I am a good student.. I’d like to be a teacher After finishing the 11 th form I am going to enter the University.


The role of music in our life.

People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music , they learn to play musical instruments.

There are a lot of different kinds of music, for example, folk music, classical music, rap , pop or rock music. Tastes differ. Some people prefer classical music, others listen to folk songs. Young people all over the world prefer pop or rock music.

Great Britain produced many popular music stars. “The Beatles’ is still one of the most popular groups.

My favourite style of music is pop music because it is breathtaking and full of energy. Music helps me to relax , entertains and makes me forget the problems of everyday life. My favourite group is “ ABBA’. It was formed in 1973 in Sweden. Their most famous songs are “ Money, Money , Money ”,” Waterlloo”, ets. I can’t but admire their style of singing. It is fascinating and overwhelming.

Music plays very a very important role in people’s lives .It reflects our moods and emotions. It is really a soundtrack of our life.


The most important Russian inventions.

The world knows the names of many great scientists: Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Popov, Edison, Newton and many others.

A lot of discoveries have been made by Russian scientists in different fields of science and engineering. But the greatest event of the 20 th century was the flight of Man into space. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the first in Russia who worked out the theory of cosmic flights.

Sergei Korolev, an outstanding scientist , also devoted all his life to rocket research, constructing artificial satellites.

The first artificial sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The Russians are proud of it. Some years later the most remarkable event in the history of cosmonautics took place. On April 12, 1961 the spaceship “Vostok” , piloted by Yuri Gagarin went up. He was the first man who made his historic flight into space. He orbited the earth for only 108 minutes, but he was the first to fly to stars. It was the greatest achievement of our country. A new age of space exploration began.


Books in the life of people

I like to read very much. I think, reading is very useful, because books enrich our life, help us to understand the world and the people in it. Books teach us what is right and what is wrong. We can better understand the world and people in it. I can’t imagine my life without reading.

There are different kinds of books: novels, tales, books of poetry, science fiction, detective stories and so on. There is practically no family that doesn’t have books.

I ‘ve got a lot of books in my home library.

I like to read books when I have some spare time. Best of all I like to read detective stories, historical novels and books about adventures. That’s why I prefer books by Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle and others .

I like poetry as well. My favourite poets are Pushkin. Lermontov, R. Burns.

One of my favourite books is The adventures of R. Crusoe by D. Defoe. The book is about the adventures of a sailor on an island where there were not other people. The book is so interesting and exiting that I can read it again and again. The book teaches us to be brave and generous .I was greatly impressed by this book. I think many people like this book very much.

My House and Flat.

I live in a new flat in Mira Street. Our house is of modern design. In front of the house there is a children’s playground and a small garden. We like to spend time there. Our flat is on the second floor. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating ,electricity, gas , cold and hot water. There are three rooms in our flat: a living-room and two bedrooms. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom and a small hall.

Our living room is the largest in the flat. There is a nice wall unit in the room. In the corner there is a colour TV set. In the opposite corner there is a sofa and two arm-chairs. The piano is on the right. I like to play the piano in the evening. There are two pictures above the piano. On the floor we have a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the window make our room cosy.

Our kitchen is not very large. There is a gas stove, a refrigerator and a cupboard with cups, plates and all our dishes. In the middle of the kitchen we have a table with several chairs around it. I like my flat.

My Working Day.

On week-days I get up at 7 o’clock. I make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash myself. In 10 minutes I am ready for my breakfast. It may be a cup of coffee and a sandwich. After breakfast I put on my coat, take my bag and go to school.

As I live not far from school it takes me only ten minutes to get there. As a rule I go on foot to school. The lessons begin at 8.30. Usually I have 6 lessons every day.

After classes I go home and have dinner there. Usually I have soup for dinner, meat or fish with vegetables.

As a rule I have no free time on my week-days. Sometimes I have optional classes in History and English at school in the afternoon. Besides I go to the music school and have classes there.

I always help my mother to do the work about the house. I wash dishes, do shopping and clean up the rooms.

In the evening I watch TV, play the piano, or listen to the music. My favorite music is … Twice a week I go to school in the evening to play basketball.

At about eleven I go to bed.

Seasons and weather

There are 4 seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every new year begins in winter, on the 1 st of January. This day is a holiday in the country and people celebrate the New Year’s Day.

In Russia winter is usually a cold season. It often snows, the rivers and lakes are frozen over. In winter the days are short, the sky is grey, it is frosty, windy and snowy. Many people like skiing and skating in winter. Children have winter holidays.

March, April and May are spring months. Nature awakens after a long sleep. There are many flowers in the fields and parks. The trees become green , it gets warmer and warmer summer is the best season in Russia. It is sunny and hot. The gardens are full of flowers. In summer people spend much time in the open air. They go to the forest, swim in the river and sunbathe.

Autumn is a rainy and dull season. It is cold and cloudy. I don’t like autumn.

400 тем по английскому языку для школьников, абитуриентов, студентов и преподавателей - Куриленко Ю.В. - 2005.

Настоящее пособие представляет собой практическое руководство по подготовке к сдаче вступительного экзамена по английскому языку. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц, осуществляющих подготовку с помощью преподавателя или самостоятельно, а также для учителей школ и преподавателей подготовительных курсов и подготовительных отделений вузов.
Книга представляет собой сборник текстов на английском языке и их переводов на русский язык, предназначенный для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения.
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1. Тема: School subjects

I’d like to tell you a few words about my school subjets. I’m a pupil of the …(5)th form. We have a lot of subjects at school: Russian, Mathematics, Literature, Music, English, Physics, Physical culture, Byology and etc. My favourite subjects are Maths, English. I like English, because I like to learn new words and translate texts. I like Maths, because it is a great science. And I also know, that all subjects are very important.

Школьные предметы.

Я хочу рассказать о своих школьных предметах. Я ученик … (5)класса. В школе у нас много предметов: русский язык, математика, литература, музыка, английский язык, физика, физкультура, биология и т.д. Мои любимые предметы математика и английский язык. Мне нравится английский язык, потому что я люблю учить новые слова и переводить тексты. Я люблю математику, потому что это – великая наука. Но я также знаю, что все предметы важны.

2. Тема: My hobby

Everyone has a hobby. There are many hobbies. What do we call a hobby? It can be any kind of sport – from chess to football, travelling, singing, dancing, cooking, reading and many others. As for me, I like reading. It is interesting and fun. Having a hobby is not only pleasant but useful.

Мое хобби

У каждого есть хобби. Хобби бывают разные. Что мы называем хобби? Это может быть любой вид спорта – от шахмат до футбола; путешествия, пение, танцы, приготовление еды, чтение и многое другое. Что касается меня, я люблю читать. Это интересно и забавно. Иметь хобби не только приятно, но и полезно.

3. Тема: My birthday

My birthday is in … (January). It is cold on my birthday. I like to celebrate it. I celebrate it at home or at cafe. I have many guests on my birthday. They are my relatives and friends. They give me presents and cards. We eat a big cake with candles. My mother makes a cake for me every year. We sing songs, dance and play games.

Мой день рождения

Мой день рождения в январе. В этот день обычно холодно. Я люблю праздновать его. Я его праздную дома или в кафе. В мой день рождения бывает много гостей. Это мои родственники и друзья. Они дарят мне открытки и подарки. Мы кушаем большой торт со свечами. Моя мама каждый год готовит мне торт. Мы поем песни, танцуем, играем в игры.

4. Тема: My friends

I want to tell you about my friends. I have got a lot of them, but my best friend is …(Nikita). He is my school-mate. We go to school together. He is 12. He is thin and slender, not very tall. His hair is blond and straight. He knows many interesting stories. He likes to read. He plays tennis and swims, draws. We read books, listen to music or play games together. I am happy to have such a good friend.

Мои друзья

Я хочу рассказать вам о своих друзьях. У меня их много, но мой лучший друг … Никита. Он мой одноклассник. Мы вместе учимся в школе. Ему 12 лет. Он худой и стройный, невысокого роста. У него прямые светлые волосы. Он знает много интересных историй. Он любит читать. Он играет в теннис, плавает и рисует. Мы вместе читаем книги, слушаем музыку, играем в игры. Я рад что у меня есть такой хороший друг.

5. Тема: My day

I study in class 5. I attend school 6 days a week. Sunday is the only weekend I have.
My day usually starts at 6.20. I get up. Then I wash and brush my teeth. After that I have my breakfast. Then I go to school. My classes start at 8 a.m. My lessons finish at 1 p.m. When I come back home I take a rest. Then I do my homework, listen to music, read books, play with my younger brother. I go to bed at 10 p.m.

Мой день

Я учусь в 5 классе. Я хожу в школу 6 дней в неделю. Единственный выходной воскресенье. Мой день обычно начинается в 6.20 утра. Я встаю. Затем умываюсь, чищу зубы. Потом завтракаю. После завтрака я иду в школу. Уроки начинаются в 8.00. Заканчиваются уроки в 1.00. Когда я прихожу домой я отдыхаю. Затем делаю уроки, слушаю музыку, читаю книги, играю с младшим братом. Я ложусь спать в 10.00 вечера.

6. Тема: About myself

My name is … (Kirill). My surname is… . My birthday is on … (17th of January). I live in Tuimazy. I have a mother, a father, and two brothers. I am in class 5. I like to read books, listen to music, play computer games, draw. I have friends and we like to spend our time together. My favourite subjects are maths, English. I like English, because I like to learn new words and translate texts. I like maths, because it is a great science.

О себе

Меня зовут… (Кирилл). Моя фамилия … . Мой день рождения … (17 января). Я живу в городе Туймазы. У меня есть мама, папа и два брата. Я учусь в 5 классе. Я люблю читать книги, слушать музыку, играть в компьютерные игры, рисовать. У меня есть друзья и мы любим проводить время вместе. Мои любимые предметы математика и английский. Я люблю английский язык, потому что мне нравится учить новые слова и переводить тексты. Математику я люблю, потому что это – великая наука.

7. Тема: My family

My family is very big: Mom, Dad my brothers and I. My dad is 38. My Mom is 38 too. My elder brother is 14 and my younger brother is 5. We also have a cat and a dog. They are very funny. I love my family very much. We always help each other. Every summer we like to travel. Last summer we were in Ufa. Everyone in my family is my best friend. We are glad that we are together.

Моя семья

Моя семья большая: мама, папа, мои братья и я. Моему папе 38. Моей маме тоже 38. Моему старшему брату 14, а младшему – 5. У нас также сеть кот и собака. Они очень забавные. Я очень люблю свою семью. Мы всегда помогаем друг другу. Каждое лето мы любим путешествовать. Прошлым летом мы ездили в Уфу. Каждый в моей семье – мой лучший друг. Мы очень рады быть вместе.

8. Тема: My flat

I have got a big house (flat). There are four rooms in our house a livingroom, a diningroom, two bedrooms and a kitchen. We like to spend time in our kitchen. There is a big table there. And every morning we have breakfast together. It’s cool! In the livingroom there is a TVset, a sofa and a small table. One of the bedrooms is of our parents. In my room I live with my brothers. There is a table there where I do my homework. There are three beds and bookshelves in our room. I like my house very much.

Мой дом (квартира)

Я живу в большом доме. В нем четыре комнаты: зал, гостиная, две спальни и кухня. Мы любим проводить время на кухне. Там у нас большой стол. И каждое утро мы вместе завтракаем. Это классно! В зале у нас телевизор, диван и маленький столик. Одна из комнат спальня родителей. В моей комнате я живу со своими братьями. Там есть стол, где я делаю уроки. В нашей комнате три кровати и книжные полки. Я очень люблю мой дом.

9. Тема: My pet

I want to tell you about my pet. We have a dog and a cat. My favorite pet is a cat. Its nickname is … (Ryzhik). It is all red. That is why we call him so. I like to play with my cat. It is very fast. Sometimes it sleeps with me. My cat likes milk and meat. We live in the house and it sometimes catches mice. It does not like our dog and always tries to scratch him. I like my cat.

Мой питомец

Я хочу рассказать о своем питомце. У нас есть собака и кот. Мой любимый питомец это кот. Его зовут … Рыжий. Он весь рыжий. Поэтому мы его так и зовем. Я люблю играть с ним. Он очень быстрый. Иногда он со мной спит. Он любит молоко и мясо. Мы живем в своем доме, и иногда он ловит мышей. Он не любит нашего пса, и всегда пытается его поцарапать. Я люблю моего кота.

10. Тема: My favorite season

I’d like to tell a few words about my favorite season. My birthday is in winter but my favorite season is of course summer. I like it because we have summer holidays. In summer I can swim in the river, fish, walk with my friends. Usually in summer we visit our grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes our relatives come to us and we have fun with my cousins. We travell in summer. Once we went to the Black Sea. It was great! I think, all children like summer.

Мое любимое время года

Я хочу рассказать о моем любимом времени года. У меня день рождения зимой, но мое любимое время года конечно лето. Я люблю его, потому что у нас летние каникулы. Летом я могу купаться на речке, рыбачить, гулять с моими друзьями. Обычно летом мы навещаем наших бабушку и дедушку. Иногда к нам приезжают родственники и мы веселимся с двоюродными братьями и сестрами. Летом мы путешествуем. Однажды мы ездили на Черное море. Это было здорово! Я думаю все дети любят лето.

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