Творческий проект по английскому языку «People of our region are great sportsmen. Презентация на тему "мой город"

Чалых Елизавета

Творческая работа по английскому языку "People of our region are great sportsmen"


Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Киреевский лицей»

Администрации муниципального образования Киреевский район


по английскому языку

«People of our region are great sportsmen»

Чалых Елизаветы

Ученицы 8 класса «В»

Руководитель Полуэктова Т.В.

Учитель английского языка

2012 г.



Part 1. The History of development of the Olympic Games

The Ancient Olympic Games …………………………………………….4-5

The Modern Olympic movement ………………………………………..5-6

Part 2.

2.1. Olympic champions of our region …………………………………………7-8

2.2. Future champion of our region…………………………………………….9-10

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………11

Literature ……………………………………………………………………….12


The world"s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympics have a very long history. The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.

The purposes of my project:

to study history of the beginning and development of the Olympic Games;

to learn more about the role and contribution of Russia and Russian sportsmen to the Olympic movement;

to learn more about the great sportsmen of our region;

to find out the future sportsmen among the pupils of our school and to obtain an interview.

Methods of research:

studying of scientific and reference literature;

Analysis, synthesis and generalization of received information;

inductive and deductive methods;


The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honor of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The history of development of the Olympic Games

1.1. The Ancient Olympic Games

The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 B. C. and took place every four years for nearly 1200 years in the Valley of Olympia, in Greece. The decree of that time was that there should be no wars during the Olympiad. At first the Olympics lasted only five days and the competition was only in running. The Olympic programme grew as the games developed and a lot of sports events were added: long-distance, racing, wrestling, the pentathlon, horse-back racing, etc. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods.

By about 650 BC the Games were held over five days. Sportsmen came to the Valley of Olympia from every corner of the Greek world. Sportsmen competed in running, wrestling and pentathlon. This pentathlon, a five-event match consisted of running, wrestling, jumping, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin. In time boxing, a chariot race, and other events were included. Women were not allowed the Games.

All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing, well for the Games and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The athletes took part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were called "olympionics".

The victors of these early Games were awarded with wreaths an olive tree that was planted by Hercules (Heracles), founded of the Games.

Under Roman rule the Olympic Games continued to be held, but relations between the Romans and the Greeks became so bad that Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games in AD 394.

The Modern Olympic Games

Thanks to Baron Pierre Coubertin the first Modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in 1896. Almost 300 athletes from 13 countries participated place in Greece in 1896. The largest delegation was from Greece. They won 10 gold medals and set Olympic record. At the Moscow 1980 Games more than 5000 athletes from 80 countries competed in 21 different sports. The latest XXVII Olympic Games also took place in Greece in 2004. Athletes from 202 countries competed in 28 different sports some of which, for example, the track events in athletics, are very old, while others have been added to the programme of the Games recently. For instance, taekwondo and triathlon were included into the programme of the Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney.

The motto of the Games is Citius, altius, fortius (faster, higher, and stronger in English) since 1908. Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games. In 1913 Baron de Coubertin designed The Olympic Flag, the symbol of the Games. It has five rings: blue, Amsterdam yellow, black, green and red. They represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. It has been used since the VII Olympiad in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920.

The Olympic Flame appeared at the first opening ceremony. It was lit during the ancient Olympic Games. It has been lit every Olympiad since the opening ceremony at Amsterdam, Netherland in 1928.

The parade has been organized since the IX Olympiad at Amsterdam in 1928. All delegations parade in alphabetical order. But Greece is the first and the last delegation is the host country.

The contribution of the Russian sportsmen to the Olympic Games

2.1. Olympic champions of our region

In my region there are Olympic Champions, too. Ukolov Dmitriy (October 23, 1929 - November 25, 1992) was born in the village of Anenki, Tula region. He was a Russian ice hockey player who played in the Soviet Hockey League. Ukolov was the winner of the Olympic Games in 1956.

Grishin Evgeniy (March 23, 1931 - July 9, 2005) was born in Tula. He was the deserved master of sport, skater and trainer. He was the winner of the Olympic Games in 1956, 1960 and 1964. Grishin was the most successful athlete at the 1960 Winter Olympics.

Aleksandr Uvarov (March 7, 1922 - December 24, 1994) was born in Tula. He was a Russian ice hockey player who played in the Soviet Hockey League. He played 1948-1960 for HC Dynamo Moscow and 1954-1957 for Soviet national team. He was Olympic champion in 1956, World champion in 1954, 1956.

Vyacheslav Vedenin (October 1, 1941) was born in the village of Sloboda, Tula region. He was a Soviet skier who competed in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He participated in four Olympic Games. Vedenin was awarded with Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1970) and with Order of Lenin (1972). Since 1989 a competition “Vedenin`s Ski Track” is held yearly in Dubna in his honor.

Future champion of our region

In my town there is a boy, Sergey Karandeev, he is very good at sport. He is 18 years old. He studies in the School of Olympic Reserve. I believe that he will be the future Olympic champion. I asked him some questions. Here is an interview with Sergey.

Hello, Sergey. I would like to ask you some questions. What kind of sport do you do?

I tried different sports at school and I found myself in track and field athletics. I’ve loved track and field athletics since I was 8 years old.

Does sport take a lot of time?

Sure. I spend two or three hours every day in the gym - the whole year round.

What is sport for you? How does it help you in everyday life?

Sport is my life. It is very important for me. I like taking part in different competitions. Sport teaches me to be confident and accurate. Besides, I became stronger, faster and more patient. My father says that sport makes men out of boys.

Have you ever won a prize or medal there?

Yes, I have. I often win first places.

What advice can you give to young people?

Of course, a lot of teenagers are very busy; they have a lot of homework. They have no time to go to a sports club or a sports centre which isn’t quite near their homes. But they should do sports to keep fit and to improve their health. In the morning they can switch on the TV and follow fitness classes at home or go jogging in the park in the evening.

What do you think about the 2014 winter Olympic Games in Sochi? Do you want to take part in them?

Of course, I do. Olympic Games have become the most important sports event in the world. The greatest wish for me is to win a medal, or simply to take part in them.

Thank you for the information. I wish you to become a professional!


The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular reminders of the debt we owe to the Greeks.

The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. All wars and feuds were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.

Thanks to Olympic Games, wars became much less, after all people could compete and resolve disputes in sports meets.

In modern times the Olympic movement has become an enormous and expensive organization, as well professional and competitive. Athletes train for years to take part in the Olympics and some countries spend much more than others on equipment and facilities. These games are controlled by the International Olympic Committee, which consists of members from all the participating countries.

In my project I have told about the outstanding sportsmen and Olympic champions of our region. I hope that more people of our region will do sports more often, take part in different competitions and win first places. Thanks to the Olympic Games ordinary people can get a chance to become heroes and professionals.


1 . Базунов Б. Эстафета олимпийского огня. М., 1990;

2. Кун Л. Всеобщая история физической культуры и спорта. М., 1987;

3. Олимпийская энциклопедия. М., 1980.

4. Хавин Б. Все об Олимпийских играх. М., 1979;

5. Шанин Ю. От эллинов до наших дней. М., 1975;

6. Штейнбах В. От Афин до Москвы. М., 1979;

7. www. Olympiady. Ru

8. www. Olympichistory.info

9. www. Wikipedia. org

Слайд 2

Aznakaevsk land has an interesting history and rich traditions. We have our own characters - is a flag and coat of arms. The main figure emblem falcon - the symbol of power, flight determination. Green - the symbol of nature, health, environment, life growth.Red - the symbol of labor, power, courage, beauty and celebration symbolizes Aznakaevsky area as one of the most developed industrial regions of the Republic. The flag is based on the emblem area.

Слайд 3

It was founded in 1762 and was known as a selo by 1859. It was granted urban-type settlement status in 1956 and town status in 1987.

Слайд 4

Near the town is a hill Aznakaevo Chater - tau (Tent Mountain) with its green top and at the bottom of the copper mines. This is one of the most sublime points of our republic- its height 334.5 m above sea level. According to popular belief, in the bowels of the mountain king-hidden magnet, and because it has a lot of silver, the water rises from its healing springs, holy. Tent on the slopes of Mount grow rare steppe plants listed in the Red Book.

Слайд 5

In our city has many cultural centers, parks, places of recreation and entertainment.

Слайд 6

Nature Aznakaevsk area a great place for recreation and tourism. Healing spring sources with picturesque ponds and beautiful rivers Ik, Starla to attract the attention of visitors Aznakaevsk area, and mixed forests are a favorite spot of many residents of the city and the district.

Слайд 7

Every fifth resident of sports. Therefore, in the city there are plenty of sports facilities. Such as water and recreation complex "Dolphin", a sports complex, "Jubilee", ski, ice sports palace "Altyn Alka", a municipal institution of additional education "Children and Youth Sports School" Leader ", 11 hockey clubs, school of martial Arts "Bushido".

Слайд 8

Aznakaevsk area offers not only the monuments of nature and rich history, but also for its famous people who were born here and gave the eternal glory of the homeland. Nazhiba Ikhsanova and Azhar Shakirov - people"s artists of Russia and Tatarstan, the winners of the prizes named Gabdulla Tukai Honored writers of Tatarstan

Энн и Дэн нарисовали картинки тех мест, где они живут.
1) Словарный запас. Что находится в их регионе?
Mountains - горы;
a cave - пещера;
a zoo - зоопарк;
a stadium - стадион;
a river - река;
a bridge - мост;
a forest - лес;
a lake - озеро;
a station - станция.
3) Какой её город?
Я живу в Лондоне. Это большой и красивый город. В моем городе есть красивая река. Из моего дома мне видно длинный мост. В Лондоне много парков. Моё любимое место - Гайд-парк. В нём есть озеро. Там нам нравится кататься на лодках. Около моего дома есть большой стадион. Мне нравится заниматься спортом на стадионе. Я люблю свой город.

Дейв расспрашивает Дэна о его городе.
1) Какие вопросы задаёт Дейв? Что рассказывает Дэн? Как вы думаете?

- I live in Edinburgh. - Я живу в Эдинбурге.

- It’s beautiful. - Он красивый.

- Yes, there is. There is a big stadium in my city. - Да. В моём городе есть большой стадион.

- Yes, there are. There are beautiful mountains in my region. - Да. В моём регионе есть красивые горы.

Дейв написал стишок о своём городе.
1) Какие вопросы вы зададите Дейву о его городе?
- What city are you from? - Из какого ты города?
- What is your city like? - На что похож твой город?
- Is there a stadium in your city? - В твоём городе есть стадион?
- Is there a river in your city? - В твоём городе есть река?
- Is there a museum in your city? - В твоём городе есть музей?
- Is there a zoo in your city? - В твоём городе есть зоопарк?
- Are there mountains in your region? - В твоём регионе есть горы?
- Are there lakes in your region? - В твоём регионе есть озёра?

В вашей культуре. Представьте, что вы рассказываете Энн, Дейву, Кейт ила Дэну о своём городе/селе/крае. Какой ваш город/село/деревня?
I live in Saratov. It is a beautiful city. There is a river Volga there. It is blue and beautiful. There are many museums in Saratov. They are interesting. I like my city.

Рабочая тетрадь

В вашей культуре. Словарный запас. Отметьте в таблице, что есть в той местности, где вы живёте.

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